Beautiful London-cross-stitch design

If you’re looking for a large cross-stitch  design that captures the imagination-you’re here!

Beautiful London – all the important sights of the city in one cross-stitch  picture! This stunning design will take you a long time to complete, as it has significant dimensions of approximately 90 by 50 centimeters!

Beautiful London-cross-stitch design

Beautiful London-cross-stitch design

Pattern Name: Beautiful London
Fabric: Aida 18, Cream
498w X 291h Stitches
Size(s): 18 Count, 70.27w X 41.06h cm
14 Count, 90.35w X 52.80h cm
16 Count, 79.06w X 46.20h cm
22 Count, 57.50w X 33.60h cm

Colors: 123 DMC

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