Daffodils on black-free cross-stitcg design

can used from beginners cross-stitchers , despite the fact that only 15 colors of  DMC embroidery  flosses are used in this pattern, it surprises with the richness of the palette

Daffodils on black-free cross-stitcg design

Daffodils on black-free cross-stitcg design

Pattern Name: daffodils on black
Fabric: Aida 16, Black
218w X 216h Stitches
Size(s): 16 Count, 13-5/8w X 13-1/2h in
14 Count, 15-1/2w X 15-3/8h in
11 Count, 19-3/4w X 19-5/8h in
18 Count, 12w X 12h in

Format PDF, black and white symbols

Colors 15 DMC



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