Monogram crests ABC-cross-stitch pattern
Birthday, wedding, new home or new baby – these versatile cross-stitch designs will fit the occasion every time!
Striking and elegant, we think you’ll find these floral monograms are the perfect partner to any special occasion.
Some events are so momentous that they deserve something truly exceptional with which to celebrate them, and this opulent monogram crest abc really fits the bill. As well as being easy to stitch, these designs are wonderfully versatile. You can omit the crest for a more informal feel – perhaps for a birthday or congratulations card.
There’s also the option of including a date preceded by ‘EST’; perfect if you’re marking a date such as a wedding. The spray of flowers adds a splash of colour, bringing an autumnal twist to the
finished piece, but you could easily use a different palette to customise your blooms.
You will need
Threads: Stranded cotton as listed in the key
Needle: Size 24 tapestry needle
Fabric: 14-count white aida measuring 25x25cm (9ѕx9ѕin) for the full crest, 20x15cm (7ѕx6in) for the floral border, or 10x10cm (4x4in) for individual letters
Extras: Frame of your choice with a minimum aperture of 13.5×13.5cm (5јx5јin).
Oval aperture card, card and ribbons of your choice
Stitching Factbox
Stitching time: 1-6 hours each
Type of stitches: Cross stitch, backstitch
Level: Beginner
Designed by Jenny van de Wiele
Download cross-stitch pattern for Monogram crests ABC in PDF format: